This article discusses the issues of the dialogue among preschool children with leadership skills. An important quality of a leader is sociability, i.e. the ability to quickly establish contacts with other children and feel confident in a team. As shown by the results of the study, self-motivated children with leadership skills are able to attract other children with their ideas and thoughts. Children, who have organizational skills, easily find their way around any game situation and are able to quickly make the right decision. Leadership skills of preschoolers include such qualities as honesty, fairness and consistency, ability to direct the attention of others, and to come up with new solutions in gaming activity, self-confidence, courage and determination, the ability to quickly establish contact with other children, activity, sociability etc. The development of leadership skills is more favorable in childhood, as children can master them without pressure and having to overcome themselves. The parent’s and teacher’s main purpose should be to develop a child’s sense of self-efficacy: “I want to!”, "I succeed!", “I can!”. The means of leadership development include sport and intellectual competitive games, requiring the child’s agility, precision, speed, or memory rate, accuracy, and information reproduction speed.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1343-1350
Publication date: 04 Aug 2016
Article Views: 3893
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