Combining Theoretical Approaches: Socio-Didactic-Mathematical Norms and Perspectives in Pre-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Discourse
Rocío Toscano 1 * , Victoria Sánchez 1, Mercedes García 1
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1 Departamento de Didáctica de las Matemáticas, Universidad de Sevilla, SPAIN* Corresponding Author


This study is part of wider research that seeks to investigate the existence (or not) of socio-didactic-mathematical norms in the discourse arises within a group of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers when they are solving a didactic-mathematical task. In addition, we try to analyze whether any of these norms could have relationships with teachers’ perspectives that they can adopt in their future practice. The data comes from the transcriptions of the audio recordings of the dialogues among the pre-service teachers when they are solving a didactic-mathematical task in the classroom. Based on our analysis, we have been able to identify five socio-didactic-mathematical norms. Three of them were in some way related to the mathematical content and its learning. The other two are related to teachers’ role, providing information about characteristics that the future teachers associate with said role. Furthermore, we have identified features related to teachers’ perspectives through the above-mentioned norms.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 3, October 2019, 455-466

Publication date: 02 Apr 2019

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