Application of Multiply Regression Linear Model and New Technology Method in Estimating Learning and Education of Students
Zainb Hassan Radhy 1 *
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1 Department of Mathematical Statistics, College of Computer Science and Information Technology University of Al-Qadisiyah, IRAQ* Corresponding Author


The Linear multiple regression model is one of the prediction models whose parametric estimations could be achieved in different methods. With the advent of modern technologies and modern information technologies and its impact on various aspects of life, using it as a tool to facilitate learning in all the courses, and in particular mathematics, is inevitable. Meanwhile, the key role of the teacher in the teaching-learning process, the need for teachers to prepare teachers to face the diversity of existing technologies, to measure and identify efficient tools and apply them to teaching, undeniably undeniable. Which will be very complicated. In order to prepare for the teaching of mathematics, their teachers must have a profound and broad understanding of the subjects and mathematical subjects in order to be able to generalize and understand the content and educational technology of technology, to what Meaning of education along with technology. In fact, the need for the interference between the two areas of mathematics and technology is the dominance of teachers in both domains. In other words, teaching along with technology means that as long as the teacher thinks about specific mathematical concepts, one must simultaneously contemplate how to make mathematical concepts comprehensible to his students using the technology of expression In this research, we have tried to highlight the role of teachers in identifying the achievements of using technology in mathematics education in order to better realize this important issue.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2019, 87-90

Publication date: 21 Dec 2018

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