Although student covariation reasoning has been explored in depth to improve understanding of the correspondence between variables, research has focused on studying existing reasoning about variables in Cartesian representations. The working method had a qualitative approach, with a descriptive exploratory scope, the spontaneous representations that the participants evidenced under the level of covariational reasoning of the variables present in three contextualized situations were explored, posed to a population of third-grade middle school students. The students argued with concrete and abstract drawings the general behavior of the variables. At low levels of reasoning they used pictorial representations, at higher levels they used graphical diagrams and tables. The exploratory study shows a relationship between the type of spontaneous representations and the student’s level of covariational reasoning, as well as the rigor of the description of the problem.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 19, Issue 2, May 2024, Article No: em0774
Publication date: 01 Apr 2024
Online publication date: 22 Mar 2024
Article Views: 1271
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