An Algorithm to Renegotiate Debt through Equivalent Equations and Transaction Costs: A Proposal for the Field of Financial Education
Arturo García-Santillán 1 *
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1 Researcher and coordinator of the doctoral program in Management Science, UCC Business School Universidad Cristóbal Colón, Carr. Veracruz-Medellín s/n Col. Puente Moreno Boca del Río, Veracruz, MÉXICO* Corresponding Author


Frequently, the shadow of financial insolvency is present in economies, whether between countries, companies or the general population (people) who contract the obligation of a loan, credit or other debt. Debt restructuring is one of the most effective financial tools to face this. Through mathematical modeling with algorithms designed for the inclusion of the variable transaction cost coefficient (TCC) and transaction cost amount (TCA), it was possible to demonstrate the feasibility to modify: VOD  to VODadjusted  and Y1...j = VODVNSP  to Y”1...j = VODadjusted / VNSP .


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2019, 123-136

Publication date: 21 Dec 2018

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