Active Learning Techniques (ALT) in a Mathematics Workshop; Nigerian Primary School Teachers’ Assessment
Medinat Folorunso Salman
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This study examined Nigerian Primary School teachers’ assessment of Active Learning Technique (ALT). A total of 120 male and female primary school teachers were purposively sampled from the North central geo-political zone of Nigeria. The sampled primary school teachers were participants at a Mathematics workshop organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Out of the 120 participants expected at the workshop, only 85 participated in all the interactive activities on the ALT. Two researcher- designed questionnaire forms titled” Reflection on Methodology and Difficult Mathematics Topics” and “ALT Assessment Scale” were prepared and administered to the participants before and after the workshop activities. The pre-workshop questionnaire sought information on how participants teach Mathematics in their various schools and the Mathematics topics they found difficult to teach. After the workshop activities have been carried out, a questionnaire on participants‘assessment of the ALT was administered. The collected data were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. Reports of analysis indicated that participants found ALT interactive, interesting, motivating, participatory and highly innovative. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the teaching methodology of Nigerian Primary School teachers should be regularly updated through workshops on ALT and that teaching of Mathematics at primary level should be handled by trained Mathematics teachers.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2009, 23-35

Publication date: 04 Apr 2009

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