The relevance of this topic due to the need for further theoretical development and practical implementation of the methods of mediation and restorative approach as the most important means of educational-pedagogical interventions in preventive work with minors in conflict with the law, particularly in the field of criminal justice. The purpose of this article is to identify relevant issues using a restorative approach and mediation in the prevention of crime and unlawful behavior of minors in conflict with the law (especially in criminal proceedings), to develop scientifically based suggestions for their solution. Leading method to the study of this problem is a comparative legal analysis, which allows to study Russian and foreign experience of application of restorative approach and mediation in the prevention of crime and offending behaviour among minors in conflict with the law; to identify opportunities for the use of mediation to different categories of juveniles who are the subjects of criminal proceedings. The results of the study: specification of the capabilities and methods of the restorative approach and mediation in preventive work with minors in conflict with the law, and in particular in the field of criminal justice. Recommendations to improve the application of regenerative technologies and mediation as the main means of pedagogical influence): in the practical work of judges in cases involving minors, the work of agencies, institutions, and all individuals associated with pedagogical-preventive activity.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 2800-2813
Publication date: 06 Sep 2016
Article Views: 3644
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