A Model for the Education of a Student of a Vocational Pedagogical Educational Institution Through the Gaming Simulation
Maria V. Fominykh, Bella A. Uskova, Valentina V. Mantulenko, Olga N. Kuzmina, Elena N. Shuravina
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The relevance of the problem subject to the research is conditioned by the discrepancy between (a) the orientation of the modern vocational-pedagogical education on the result of the future teacher training that is based on the subject matter and contents, and (b) the need to develop pedagogical skills. The application of the gaming simulation within the process of pedagogical skills development takes such skills to a completely new level. A study of the process of pedagogical skills development at students of a vocational-pedagogical education by way of the gaming simulation is the purpose of the article. Experiment and research activities were carried out during four years. A pedagogical experiment using the specially developed programme allowing discovering the level of pedagogical skills development at the trainees is the leading method for the research of this problem. Research results: The article provides for a model for the education of a student of a vocational-pedagogical educational institution through the gaming simulation; a scheme for this model implementation has been developed. Article contents may be useful for lecturers and students of pedagogical higher education institutions at the monitoring of the education quality.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 2814-2840

Publication date: 06 Sep 2016

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