The research investigated the possibilities of training prospective elementary school teachers for developing reflection in pupils based on innovative technologies. The research was based on special philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, scientific, and methodological literature. The concepts of “reflection” and “innovative technology” were defined. The motivational, creative, subject-specific, technological, and reflective components used in the training of students for innovative activity were analyzed. An optional discipline titled “Methods of Developing Learning Reflection in Students based on Innovative Technologies”, which was prepared for the experiment, was offered. A high-school class structure was created, which based on the training of students for reflection through determination of goal appropriateness, content of work aimed at developing reflection in pupils, and the notion of not limiting oneself to reflection only when using theoretical knowledge in practice. The research also identified the elements that will lay the foundation for the organization and management of the implementation of innovative technologies in the learning process, specified the main directions in the training of prospective elementary school teachers for developing reflection in pupils based on innovative technologies. This research can serve as a theoretical framework for the development of pedagogical science. The program that was developed at the Y. Altynsarin Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute can be used in higher educational pedagogical institutions.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 7, 2016, 2137-2150
Publication date: 01 Sep 2016
Article Views: 3167
Article Downloads: 2001
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