On the modern stage, the layer-by-layer production of components using additive technologies became possible. Such components do not require mechanical modifications, but can be deformed by plastic form change. Influence analysis of technological parameters, the degree of deformation, tool geometry, deformation velocity, friction coefficient on the kinematics of material flow, strain-stress state of the blank and the force conditions will help to optimize the process of components manufacturing. The studies were carried out using computer simulations according to multifactorial scheme, while the effect of each factor was estimated using the results of all experiments, which allows receiving more accurate results. The influence of deformation degree, the tool geometry (taper angle), the coefficient of friction, and deformation velocity on the value of technological strength was taken into account as the main technological factor. The influence of modeling of main technological parameters on the process of combined extrusion of thin-walled cylindrical components with the use of application programs reduces the time of process design and improves their accuracy.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1481-1493
Publication date: 26 Aug 2016
Article Views: 3212
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