The relevance of the study is due to the tasks of inclusive education requiring creation of optimal conditions for social adaptation of learners in inclusive school, arrangement of psychological support of learners in coping difficult situations which they face in inclusive educational environment. The article is directed to study the ways using by adolescents for coping unfavorable situations in inclusive school, perception and evaluation of social resources of inclusive educational environment by pupils, their availability and demand for coping difficulties. The leading way in studying is a resource approach allowing to consider an effective coping of difficult situations by personality with the support of revealing and using environment resources as a main condition of social adaptation. In the study the following psychological techniques were used: Ways of coping critical situations Questionnaire, Psychological diagnostics of security of educational school environment, Multidimensional scale of social assistance perception. As a result, it was revealed that in coping difficulties physically challenged adolescents are oriented to search social assistance at the lack of proneness to problem analysis that makes threat of uncritical acceptance and passive consumption of the provided help by adolescent. Highly assessing social resources of school adolescents point out low opportunity to get help in choosing their own decision, in attention to their asks, insufficient capability in showing initiative, activity. They experience difficulties in using social resources of environment to cope difficulties. This is related as with custodial attitude of educators and peers, so with the lack of ability to request and accept social assistance constructively by physically challenged adolescents, with insufficient development of ability to provide and accumulate resources for coping difficulties in the environment. As application, the results can be used for providing psychological help to adolescents with difficulties of adaptation in inclusive school.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 7, 2016, 2527-2536
Publication date: 03 Sep 2016
Article Views: 3236
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