The Role of Background Culture and Lexical Knowledge in Economic Translation
Marina V. Melnichuk, Valentina M. Osipova
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The present study investigates the issue of lexical problems in economic translation as terminological accuracy is a main requirement for specialized translation. It reveals challenges the translation students face while searching for a clear meaning of the economic term as well as causes and solutions to overcome the challenges. Based on empirical evidence, it offers a detailed analysis of lexical problems encountered by the translation students. The initial data come from the questionnaire completed by the students and the textual analysis carried out by university lecturers involved in the training in translation program. For evaluation purposes, the study uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The translator should have a good knowledge in source and target language (economic language in the case under consideration) and economic culture to convey information and keep the basic meaning of the original. Teaching staff involved in training translation should encourage students to activate and widen their background knowledge as it will result in more accurate translation.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 7, 2016, 2503-2514

Publication date: 03 Sep 2016

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