The article discusses the problem of determining the differential characteristics of discontinuities, waves and currents behind them. In this paper research history of gas-dynamic discontinuities’ differential properties is discussed. The concept of weak discontinuities (discontinuous characteristics, discontinuities of first order) is analyzed. The differential conditions of dynamic compatibility, connecting curvatures of discontinuities with non-uniformities of the flow before and after them are given. The typical problems of interference between discontinuities of first order are provided: interaction of the shock with a weak tangential discontinuity and discontinuous characteristics, refraction of weak discontinuity on a tangential discontinuity, interference of weak discontinuities between themselves. The article presented typical interference problem of discontinuities of first order: interaction of the shock with a weak tangential discontinuity and discontinuity characteristics, refraction of weak discontinuity on a tangential discontinuity, interference of weak discontinuities between themselves. The practical importance of first order problems of interference of discontinuities is shown, because the discontinuity in first derivatives can lead to the formation of shock waves within the smooth flow - the so-called "suspended shock wave."
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1013-1021
Publication date: 29 Jul 2016
Article Views: 3389
Article Downloads: 2153
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