The Development of the Student as a Person of Culture in the Context of Multicultural Education in Non-Language High School by Means of a Foreign Language
Irina G. Kondrateva, Natalia Y. Madakina, Natalia G. Sigal, Agzam A. Valeev
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The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon of multiculturalism in education as the construction of the learning process on the principle of cultural pluralism, contributing to the formation of a multicultural identity through the deliberate creation of a foreign language environment, formed and developed in the subject of multicultural thinking. The study identified and systematized the main approaches to understanding the problems of multicultural education (cultural and ethno-psychological); analyzed its basic principles (humanistic, cultural conformity, multiculturalism, social and evaluative, creativity); isolated components, factors and barriers of multicultural education; defined personality human culture and success criteria for their development in a multicultural educational space of a non- language high school, as well as the criteria for selection of educational material, having based on the study of a foreign language high multicultural potential. As the results of the experimental work proposed in the study, pedagogical conditions justified the thesis of the need to develop the student as a person of culture in a multicultural education in non- language high school.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 57-69

Publication date: 21 Apr 2016

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