The Development of Teenagers’ Responsible and Creative Attitude to Learning Activity
Albina R. Drozdikova–Zaripova, Natalya N. Kalatskaya
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Social reality in education of present day youth capable to think independently and creatively, to implement their plans, to aware and be responsible for the results of their activity provides the relevance of the paper. The objective of the research is to verify experimentally psychology-pedagogical conditions aimed to develop teenagers’ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity. Pedagogical experiment in a parallel variant is applied as the leading method in the research of this problem. 60 teenagers (aged between 12-13 years) studying at comprehensive schools of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) took part in the empirical research. The complex of diagnostic techniques to identify cognitive-informative, emotional-motivational and effective-volitional components of teenagers’ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity is used in the work. The paper suggests results of experimental work testifying to the efficiency of psychology-pedagogical conditions aimed to develop teenagers’ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity. The following conditions are treated as necessary in training and educational process: introduction of a set of programs aimed to form learners’ ideas of responsibility and creativity, to develop motives of duty and responsibility within the frames of academic subjects, motives of creative self-expression and their interrelation, formation of an adequate self-assessment, and emotional, volitional and communicative qualities of the personality necessary for implementation of successful creative and social-responsible activity; initiation of school students’ creative and responsible attitude through their independent educational creative activity; encouragement of teenagers to use their competences in school educational environment (including extra-curricular time, e.g. work with underachievers, patronage of primary school children, etc.). Statistical processing of empirical research data was carried out by means of standard methods of mathematical statistics (Student t-criterion, methods of correlation data analysis). Materials from the paper are of practical value for teachers and psychologists of educational institutions.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 633-645

Publication date: 16 Jul 2016

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