Study of Family Values of Adolescents from Families with Many Children Formation
Gulnara F. Biktagirova, Roza A. Valeeva
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This article focuses on the development of specialized programs of family values of adolescents from families with many children formation and the experimental study of their effectiveness. The main forms and methods in the study of this problem are the observation, interviews, questionnaires, psychological tests and pedagogical experiment allowing verifying the effectiveness of the proposed program for the formation of family values of adolescents from families with many children. The article deals with the timeliness and importance of the problem of family values of children from large families formation, the current state of the problem in psychological and pedagogical literature, theoretical and experimental study of the family values of adolescents from large families formation, specifics of upbringing in a large family. It is experimentally proved the need for the development and testing of special programs on the formation of the adolescents’ family values using various forms and methods of working with large family.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1919-1926

Publication date: 31 Aug 2016

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