The importance of the problem under study is due to the realization of socio-cultural approach in teaching of Russian language in primary school allows to solve problems of multicultural education necessary in modern society successfully. However, in Russian linguodidactics the theme is not well-developed; concrete means, forms and methods of the socio-cultural aspect’s realization in teaching of primary school students are not determined. In this regard this article aims to determine effective methodic means and conditions of socio-cultural aspect realization in teaching of primary school children during the lessons of Russian language. The main method of the research was pedagogic experiment in which participated more than 300 4th form students of the Republic of Tatarstan. The results demonstrated in the article prove the efficiency of the presented means while working with cultural concepts on lessons of Russian in lower grades; structures of Russian lessons based on similar concepts of different languages; recommendations for project activities organization among junior students which promote getting socio-cultural knowledge. The article is addressed to primary school teachers, students and everyone dealing with questions of language teaching and education.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 91-100
Publication date: 01 Apr 2016
Article Views: 3542
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