Professional Success of the Subject of Activity
Ruslan N. Khakimzyanov
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Article touches on an issue of professionalism of a person from a position of success because it is an actual problem for the personnel market of Russia. The personnel market suffers a shortage of professionals and for the solution of this problem it is necessary to study comprehensively professional success of the subject of activity to define the ways of development of professionalism of the subject of activity. The purpose of article is to reveal the psychological maintenance of professional success of the subject of activity. The statistical analysis of data is the main method of research. The analysis of data on Student's t-criterion has allowed to define the maintenance of professional success of the subject of activity that includes: "self-checking, strong will", "determination", "independence", "self-motivation", "flexibility", "emotional stability", "integrative level of emotional intelligence". Knowledge about psychological maintenance of professional success gives the chance for employees and psychologists, who are working in system of recruiting and HR, to develop professionalism in the working employees and effectively and reliably select applicants whom they need.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1451-1459

Publication date: 04 Aug 2016

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