Problems of Psychology and Ethnic Psychology of Nomads –Kazakhs in the Works of Abay Qunanbaev
Kulush K. Kenzhegaliev, Gulvira S. Mukhamedzhanova, Aisulu A. Shayakhmetova, Zhanya S. Tasbulatova, Ljasat S. Baimanova, Zhamila A. Zulkarnayeva
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The relevance of the presented problem in this paper is conditioned by the fact that the study of the psychological heritage of Abay Qunanbaev contributes to the formation of psychological competence of future psychologists and allows the hoisting of the national model of education in line with Bologna process. The purpose of this article is to gain an understanding of the psychological characteristics of nomads – the Kazakhs from the standpoint of scientific psychology. One of the important tasks is to attract undergraduates to the writing of a thesis on this topic and replenish materials for a monograph on this basis. The main research methods are theoretical-methodological, comparative analysis and a hermeneutic way of interpreting of the psychology of the nomads. Understanding of the psychology of the nomads in the work of Abay Qunanbaev "Words of edification" from the perspective of scientific psychology enriches psychological science of Kazakhstan, increases psychological competence of psychologists, readers and contributes to the development of the Bologna process at the national level. The proposed research method allows exploring of the other unexplored fields of the cultural heritage of nomads.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 3127-3136

Publication date: 07 Sep 2016

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