Principles of Building of Objective-Spatial Environment in an Educational Organization
Svetlana Markova, Elena Shherbakova, Lidiya Depsames, Svetlana Tsyplakova, Svetlana Yakovleva
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The article is devoted to the subject of human-spatial environment and its effects on personality development. The author gives a deep analysis of the research methodology of this issue,  that  leads to an understanding of the necessity to the concept  developing  the experts cooperation  - teachers, psychologists and designers. Thus, in the processes of interaction with the object-spatial environment there is a medium whose order is determined by the overlap of a number of structures: architectural and spatial, communication, engineering and communication, social and functional. Therefore, knowledge of the laws of change and an organization's environment, studied the ecology, ethology, sociology, psychology, bionics and other disciplines, supports its practical transformation.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 10, 2016, 3457-3462

Publication date: 25 Nov 2016

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