On the Problem of Formation of the Future Teacher’s Willingness to the Museum Materials Usage in Teaching and Educational Process of University
Daulet K. Omarov, Sharban M. Maigeldiyeva, Zhetkergen M. Utegenov, Zhannat M. Maigeldiyeva, Sandigul K. Daribaeva
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The article presents the materials on the formation of the future teachers' willingness to foundations usage of the museum pedagogy in the educational process of high school. Are highlighted scientifically substantiated pedagogical conditions, which are necessary for the implementation of this process, namely the insertion of the pedagogical museum component in the content of the theoretical training of future teachers; inclusion of museum-pedagogical problems in the students' research activities; the educational museum tasks system performing during the teaching activities; perform of the educational-museum tasks system during the teaching practice; the future teachers’ immersion into the educational-museum environment in the process of extracurricular work. In the article they are confirmed by experimental results. The feature of museum pedagogy is to visualize an object of study, what significantly increases the students’ interest to learn. The students also develop the cultural and aesthetic tastes and a growing interest in history. On completion of the experiment, which took place in Korkyt ata Kyzylorda State University, the participants of which amounted 374 people, a survey was carried out, which showed that the students' interest in museum education has grown considerably. The designed course includes the theoretical and practical classes and is intended for 15 hours.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1607-1620

Publication date: 26 Aug 2016

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