Mental Semantic-Speech Oppositions in the Structure of the Text-Referent Situation with the Concepts "Russia" and "Bolshevism"
Tatiana I. Krasnova
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The aim of this study was to analyze the content-ideological and semantic-speech opposition patterns in the Russian emigre community newspapers published in Europe as well as in Manchuria and North America, during the Civil War in Russia. Research was based on the newspaper materials of the Russian diaspora, which political and ideological discourse refers mainly to the period 1917-1920 (partially to 1921-1922). Selection of the war time interval (World War I and the Civil War ) was predefined both by the growing dynamics of the migration process in Russia, and the important period in the formation of the Russian diaspora under the influence of several key events referring both to the Russian and world history of the last century. Overall, the author analyzed more than 1,500 texts of various publications. Research results: the analysis of texts in terms of alternation of linear speech sequences in statements gave the possibility to determine the role of constructions with actualization of logical inconsistencies. Their function was iconic – to symbolize the Russian Bolshevism "disease". The idea of mental and psychological disorder characterizing participants of many events was found in the structure of messages having factual nature (notes, correspondence) due to lexical and syntactic contrasts, semantic inconsistencies as well as different types of syntagmatic oppositions.  At the same time, different kinds of "non-compliance" accentuate abnormality and soreness of the described situation. Status and its evaluation might be hidden by opposite structures in presuppositions. They were implied or "proofread" additionally.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 5, 2016, 1427-1439

Publication date: 04 Aug 2016

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