At the present time, the issues of gamification, including those, affecting the creation of favorable learning environment, draw more and more focused attention of many foreign and Russian scholars that conditions the relevance of the research. The purpose of the article is to represent the results of the study on the influence of gamification on improvement of the learning environment and its effectiveness. To identify the nature of views on the creation of favorable, safe learning environment by means of the implementation of the game technologies in the education of the students, there has been developed a methodology of sociological research, based on the general scientific methods, research and experimental events. Sociological methods (overt observation, questionnaires: interviewing, questioning), statistical methods, comparison methods, content analysis, visual and systematic analysis have been actively implemented. As part of the study it was found out that the existing system of motivation of educational and research activities of students in RSSU is estimated insufficiently high. Herewith, obtained experimental data point out that gamification enables to create the conditions for students' motivation for a long time, turning their training into educational and interesting game, contributes to the refinement of students' adoption of learning material and reduces the level of stress while waiting for the evaluation of their skills and knowledge, changes the behavior of the students, promotes the formation of new habits. The statement that in the course of the study student receives positive emotions, feeling alert and alive has served as the basis for the gamification implementation.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 7, 2016, 2071-2085
Publication date: 01 Sep 2016
Article Views: 7562
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