Features Parental Attitudes to Adolescents with Disabilities
Leysan M. Zakirova, Ilseiar A. Shafigullina
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A number of reasons of a social nature are cited to psychological problems in children, their difficulties of adaptation in society, in communication and behavior. The most important of them is family, which ontogenetically the first institution of socialization and preserving its socializing affect on the person throughout his life. The conditions of family upbringing, attitude towards the child can have a negative impact on the formation of a child, especially if it exists for a long time, since birth. Goal of the article lays is to study the parental attitudes to various kinds of violations in the activities of individual functions in adolescents, and on this basis the construction of correctional work family relations. Leading method to the study of this problem was psycho-diagnostic (method of tests and survey questionnaires) and statistical methods. This study allows concluding that the success of the development of the child with disabilities will depend on the adequacy of parent perceptions of the disease, awareness of this disease, from parent attitudes, style, tactics of his upbringing and broad social ties. Remedial and preventive activities with the family should be directed mainly to the destruction of certain plants, perceptions, values, motivations, behaviors and forming new ones with the aim of achieving self-realization in society.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1663-1679

Publication date: 31 Aug 2016

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