Experience of Polyart Education of Children of Different Categories
Tatyana V. Khudyshkina, Alla A. Evtyugina, Maria O. Suraeva, Lyudmila A. Ilyukhina
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The research is relevant due to the necessity to provide a high level of children and youth aesthetic education, continuous comprehensive artistic education can be one of the tools of aesthetic education. This article aims to uncover the polyart education efficiency for children of different categories. The leading approach of the research is the system approach that results in the analysis of the existed scientific works and educational programs oriented to the comprehensive aesthetic education of children of different categories, experience generalization, and problem identification with the aim to design and provide complete continuous polyart educational process. Scientific arguments for the pedagogical efficiency of polyart education of different children including children with special educational needs are given in this article; the arguments are based on the analysis of the existent works on the topic of the research, experience and the author's alternative variant of the continuous artistic development, during which the project-based learning is preferably used. Research materials can be useful for teachers who teach art at preschool educational institutions, general education and special schools, cultural institutions.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 2858-2870

Publication date: 06 Sep 2016

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