Education Policy of the Russian Federation in Teaching Co-official Languages
Jamila N. Mustafina, Gulnara F. Biktagirova
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The research topic relevance is justified by the globalization process that put regional and minor languages in a vulnerable position.  The system of education considered from this viewpoint can protect and develop the regional languages. The aim of the paper is to expose the modern tendencies in the Russian Federation education policy regarding learning and teaching the co-official languages so as to elaborate new approaches of enhancing their functional potential development through the education system. The aim fulfillment required using the methods of the statistic and contrastive analysis, synthesis and modeling that allowed having all-round view of the Russian Federation co-official languages employment in the education process considering the new Federal Education Standards. The analysis carried out estimates and notes the discrepancy in the hours for co-official languages learning in primary school after the new Education Standards for each year of primary school coming into force.  That allows foreseeing further development of co-official language learning and elaborating recommendations on the process enhancement. The paper materials present a practical interest for enhancing the education policy in the RF regions, developing curriculums and programs for primary school. The research results can serve as a practical material when planning work for education authorities, teaching staff and politicians interested in boost of co-language teaching efficiency and using them as an education tool.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2016, 1847-1856

Publication date: 31 Aug 2016

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