Economic Laws of Division and Changing the Labor in the System of Contemporary Vocational Education Determination
Natalia V. Ronzhina, Gennadij M. Romantsev, Vladimir A. Piskunov, Jaromir Vrbka
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The topical character of the problem in question is stipulated by the demand of highly skilled competitive personnel in the vocational education sphere of modern society, which is determined by the totality of objective and subjective factors of its development. The goal of the present research consists in the verification of the economic laws of division and change of the labor, that produce an immediate impact on the vocational education development strategy and a mediated impact on the requirements made to the personality of a student within this system. The primary method of investigation in the given area is the modelling method that allows to identify specific features of these laws’ operation depending on the historical period of social development and extrapolate their functioning on the present-day reality as well as make scientifically-based forecasts of its future development. Research outcomes: the article presents a structural functional model of the interaction of the economic laws of division and changing the labor during the industrial and post-industrial periods of social development; an algorithm of competently mature personality’s character formation in the modern system of vocational education. Materials of the research may prove useful to the rule-making specialists and practitioners in the educational sphere – in elaborating and upgrading educational and professional standards, in developing a model for the preparation of future competitive workers in the system of vocational education based on the objective factors of its development, such as the economic laws of division and change of the labor.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 7, 2016, 2788-2799

Publication date: 05 Sep 2016

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