The following study aims to measure the level of anxiety towards mathematics on students of a nautical school in Veracruz and for that purpose, it is founded on the seminal work of Fennema and Sherman (1976) and the recent studies of García-Santillán, Escalera and Venegas (2013, 2014, 2015). To achieve this end, the instrument used was the scale of Muñoz and Mato (2007), which measures five factors: anxiety towards evaluation, temporality, numbers and maths operations, understanding of maths problems and mathematical situations in daily life. The poll was applied face to face to 202 students of different academic years of the Fernando Siliceo nautical school in the city of Veracruz. The internal consistency was α=0.947 individual and 0.776 grouped (Hair et. al, 1991). This study was approached from a transversal non-experimental quantitative paradigm using an explorative factorial analysis as data-gathering technique (KMO, X2, α=0.05).
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 7, 2016, 2418-2429
Publication date: 03 Sep 2016
Article Views: 3755
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