The structure of the morphogenesis processes is justified at the altitude mountain systems of the Northern Tien Shan, which is naturally determined not only for the mountain ridges, but also for the intermontane basins. According to the structure, the following exomorphodynamic zones are clearly distinguished: submontane-lowland, low-mountain, mid-mountain and high-mountain. In the intermontane basins, the differentiation of fluvial geomorphogenesis processes is well expressed and five high-rise fluvial zones are developed. Among geomorphological processes in the structure of Northern Tien Shan exomorphogenesis, special hazard could be caused by mudflow, avalanche, landslide-crumbling conditions, dike breaking and mudflow storage reservoirs’ or water tanks’ jetties. The relevance of adverse geomorphological phenomena studying is determined by the need in health and safety and development of measures to manage the possible geomorphological risks.
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Article Type: Research Article
INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 7, 2016, 1987-2001
Publication date: 01 Sep 2016
Article Views: 2875
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