Adaptation Analysis in Students With High Mathematical Ability: Preliminary Work in the Field of Giftedness
Ramón García-Perales 1 * , Ascensión Palomares-Ruiz 1 , Antonio Cebrián-Martínez 1 , Emilio López-Parra 1
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1 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), SPAIN* Corresponding Author


This study focuses on the child adaptation processes of a group of 22 students who were identified in academic year 2011/12 as having high mathematical ability. The subjects’ schooling and adaptation were tracked over six school years, with a specific psycho-pedagogical evaluation test in the final year to assess their adaptation via various analytical dimensions. The results demonstrate the influence of variables related to repeating school years and academic performance on adaptation. There was also evidence of the in-fluence of diagnoses of giftedness and the type of school on adaptation, but no influence related to gender or school environment. Monitoring students’ educational transition is essential for their personal and academic futures. The most capable students should be part of a comprehensive approach to diversity and inclusion for all. The academic progress of the students in our sample indicates that there is educational practices must be improved for this student.


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Article Type: Research Article

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 16, Issue 3, October 2021, Article No: em0664

Publication date: 30 Oct 2021

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